Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Rych Job Opportunities

The Rych Concepts is the Food & Beverage Operator which is the first in Jakarta for dining & entertainment in one location attached altogether,
starting from July 14, 2005

The group is growing rapidly and as such we are looking for talented candidates with a background in hospitality for the following position to be based in Jakarta :

  1. Restaurant Manager                         
  2. Staff Personalia
  3. Chef                                                    
  4. Staff Purchasing
  5. Cook                                                   
  6. Staff Finance
  7. Kitchen Staff                                      
  8. Staff Accounting
  9. Bar Tender                                         
  10. Staff IT / EDP
  11. Receptionist                                      
  12. Project Coordinator
  13. Guest Relation Officer                     
  14. Sound/LightingMan
  15. Waiter / Waitress                              
  16. Tehnisi
  17. Cashier                                              
  18. Driver 
  19. Event Coordinator                             
  20. Security

Syarat Umum : 
- Pria/Wanita, Usia 20 – 40 thn.,
- Pendidikan min.SMK
Kirimkan Lamaran Lengkap + Foto Terbaru 4 X 6
Copy KTP + Copy Kartu Keluarga + Copy Ijasah Terakhir 
Copy Sertifikat +Copy SKCK + Copy Referensi.  

Kirimkan Lamaran Lengkap ke :
e-mail : janhrmrec@yahoo.co.id

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